LatAm Devs Insights (October 2022 Newsletter)

Do you know what candidates expect on their 1st interview?

TECLA: connecting the best talent in Latin America with the best tech companies in the world. We just hit 47,000 developers in our network!

The LatAm Recruiter

- October 2022 Issue

In this issue: What LatAm Developers Expect on Their First Interview, Zero-risk Hiring and its Effects on Hiring Managers, and a Spotlight on Chile as an Elite Talent Acquisition Pool.

What LatAm developers expect on their first interview.

Recently, in a series of polls, we asked our Latin America IT talent community about their expectations when attending their first interview with the hiring company. The results share an insightful look at that first encounter.

Working remotely with international companies... Would you rather work as a:

Independence- seekers. The majority of candidates prefer a contractor-type work relationship. The autonomy and flexibility of an independent worker are more appealing.

Which work model do you prefer?

Remote-first. If it's not clear in the job description, most candidates will expect that the role is 100% remote. During the first interview, make sure to do a walkthrough of what working remotely means in your company. Do candidates need to share a common timezone? Is there flexibility with schedules? Stating work policies clearly from the get-go will result in a much more efficient hiring process.

When applying for a job, are you expecting to negotiate the final salary?

Negotiation-mindset. An outstanding 80%+ of candidates expect to negotiate the final salary. If the salary expectations were set as ranges (as they usually are), candidates will negotiate in between those ranges. This doesn't take into account any additional types of compensation, like stipends.

If you are looking to understand more about the hiring scene in Latin America, we will be more than happy to provide those insights.

Key Industry Insights

Not inflation or COVID. A new survey of business leaders by PwC reveals that talent acquisition and retention rank second (at 38%) among cited risks to their business. That's right behind more frequent and/or broader cyber attacks. With so much pressure on the HR manager's shoulders, it makes sense to hold out for perfect candidates. Today’s market doesn’t allow for zero-risk hiring.

"More businesses die from indigestion than from starvation". Wise words from David Packard. When leaders, without realizing it start to pile on training, meetings, new software, and more people, it tends to overwhelm the team and often leaves them feeling confused. Others, however, have adapted the less is the key to success approach, opening spaces for their teams to be creative and have room to experiment.


“Chilecon Valley” is a go-to spot for finding elite developer talent. Not only do programmers in Chile have top skills and a high level of education, but this country also has a thriving tech scene with key IT initiatives and a world-class ecosystem for doing business.

Top-tier Talent Pool

Chilean software engineers strike the perfect balance of being well-educated, proficient in English and skilled in a wide range of programming languages.

Skilled Tech Talent

According to Coursera's skill test, their software developers have excellent tech abilities compared to their peers worldwide.

It’s no surprise that Chilean programmers rank highly including areas such as:

  • Statistical programming (98%)

  • Computer programming (97%)

  • Data analysis (96%)

  • Mobile development (78%)

Excellent English Proficiency‍

Chilean developers have excellent English skills and are ranked within the highly proficient bracket (according to EF EPI). U.S. companies will be able to seamlessly collaborate with Chilean talent to get top agile results.

Overall, Chile has a thriving tech scene that’s producing first-rate programmers. In addition to a high-quality educational system, Chile stands out for its ease of doing business and innovative start-up culture. Read our full country report for more valuable insights.

Future of Work Gems

Tools for your remote team, new trends on remote hiring, and curated insights.

Cool Tools

  • Feel connected with your remote team (events, coffee breaks, onboarding) with Campfire.

  •  Startup Forms. General startup documentation center.

  • Stay committed as you let others know what you are going to be working on with Confluo.

What we are loving

  • Both/And Thinking, a new way to solve your toughest problems & transform your company. Podcast Episode.

  • Digital Employee Experience: do you measure what matters?

  • Hrchat interview with Tina Zwolinski and Cynthia Jenkins: Engaging Gen Z. Audio interview.


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