Newsletter: July 13

🚩 Red flags when looking for an IT job

TECLA connects the best tech talent in Latin America with the best remote-ok technology companies in the U.S., Canada, and Europe. If you want to upgrade your career, keep reading!

We've all been there

  When looking for new remote work opportunities you can come across non-sense processes and a lack of crucial information.  

Today, we have gathered what we consider the worst three practices. Welcome to our IT Recruiting HALL OF SHAME  

Coming up in last place: Not knowing the all.

Yikes...Git gets scrambled with GitHub, while Java and JavaScript are used as synonyms. This is a red flag also because your responsibilities may not be fully determined (hey, if they don't know the tech, what else are they missing?).

Actual footage of companies that think Java and JavaScript are the same.

In second place: Not posting the salary. With companies looking for the best in a reduced talent pool, it's important to be upfront and share the salary. If you see a fantastic job description, great benefits, and compensation, clicking "apply" is natural. When the hiring company is reluctant to share the salary with you, that's a big red flag.

No Padmé, he never did.

And the winner is: long and confusing hiring processes."Apply here, then here, then add your CV here, then manually fill the information here, then upload a cover letter in these two formats" Sounds familiar?We understand the importance of screening, but making you jump through hoops just to get them to read your CV (if they ever do) is excessive.What else tickles us? Endless interviews, unnecessary tests, and not respecting your time. If that's the process when trying to get in, imagine what it's like once you are there—hard pass.

Mario needs a break from all of these red flags, and so should you. That's why we have an exciting surprise for you!

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